One Mama's Life

A story of an optimist, single, passionate mama trying to figure out life

a little more about me… January 19, 2011

I have been single for 7 months and my youngest child is 7 months and 1 week…. yes, as you can see the math is plain as day. I hit the ground running after my ex walked out… I was in therapy; rallied the troops of supporters; threw myself into my kids, my job, running, and trying to figure out where to go from here. I went through the guilt of having fun again, the relief of not dealing with my ex’s crap, the guilt from feeling relief, the self indulgent phase (why not get a pedicure, my hair done, a new outfit, and go out on the town EVERYTIME the girls were at their dad’s), the guilt from the self indulgent phase…. now I’m in a place that I love called living. I am trying new things, figuring out what I like which is something I have not thought about that often in a while. I tried hot yoga tonight. Fun, felt great, I have a month trial; probably will not do it anymore after that. I like going out with friends, I like dancing- even if it is in my house (with or without my girls:)). I am learning more and more about myself all the time. And  I like who I am and who I am becoming.

I am training for a half Ironman triathlon in August. I cannot wait for the feeling of victory. I cannot wait for my kids to see my cross the finish line. I am looking to move from my safe little apartment that has been my haven for the last 7 months into a house soon. I cannot wait for that either. I love looking at the future and not having a clue what it is going to look like but having the overwhelming feeling that it is going to be great.